About Me

A passionate learner &
a dear friend

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Before MBA | An Asian Girl in Spain for an MBA!

Before anything else, thank you for being with me!

Being a non-native English speaker (that’s how the world defines us) + Asian + Female is already a challenge, not to mention to study MBA abroad in Spain independently without a loan!

Am I one of those rich Asian kids? Nono, I wish to, so I don’t have to blog desperately to make a living in Spain. How did I make it? No romantic crazy rich Asians boyfriend story, I worked, I invested, I saved for a couple of years, I was once lost too, I always had these questions echoing around my head:

Just that? Of course not! I sat like The Thinker 1000+ times to ponder my future, I can name some of the questions that echo around your head easily, like:-

I’ve found some of the answers and I’m still searching for the rest.

The feeling to study MBA abroad is just like what Mr. Donald Rumsfeld said:

There are known knowns; things we know we know.

We also know there are known unknowns; we know there are some things we do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns; the ones we don’t know we don’t know

I’ve done a lot of research, there are considerable websites and educational organizations that pop up once you enter “M” “B” ” A” in google search bar. 90% of them talk about how to choose an MBA, school ranking, how to prepare the application, but seldom tell you the story after you’ve got accepted into the course, like how will be the class, how to find more case studies (for free of course) to prepare for the assignment, how to well prepare for the exam? Honestly, when you pay a fortune to go study, you will want to know everything before the course start, including but not limited to hiccup, gossip, failure.. etc (raise your hand, don’t be shy, I know I’m not the only one think like that)

What frustrated me is, even though I perused from the beginning of Goooooooooogle to its middle (what Goooooogle means? Look at the bottom of the search result you’ll know), I still missed those unknown unknowns!

How I spent 7 times more on Spanish student visa is the most vivid real life example.

So, I found my place, Unboxing MBA, to unveil every personal experience I had or I will have about studying MBA abroad (can’t wait huh? Yeahhh) wanna have a place too? Easy! Buy me a coffee my angel 

I can survive only with your support! With your coffee I can:

I’ll fill in the blank once I survive, you are my angel, aren’t you?

My course will be starting soon in September 2021, don’t miss out on my growth, subscribe now, click the like button on Instagram and Facebook, leave a comment, unboxing MBA with me!

Again, thank you for dropping by! Let’s not leave it so long next time, thank you!

Mila ღ

Buy me a Coffee ☕

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